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Slightly Damaged Vintage Putz House Brooch


**Launching on Sunday 2nd March at 8pm (UK time)

***This one has a tiny bit missing from the bottom of the house, so it is £16, instead of £20 - but it doesn't really affect the overall look of the brooch - see first three images for details of this one!

The brooch measures approx 6cm wide/5.5cm high, and has a safety catch brooch pin stuck to the back.


We've made these little house brooches using vintage German wooden toy "putz" houses, and have stuck them on to some green acrylic trees, to mimic the little wooden trees that usually come with the houses!

Each brooch has one half of a house stuck to it, and the trees have been sanded to give them a nice leafy/wooden effect!


(we'll be keeping an eye out for more vintage houses though..so fingers crossed there may be more in the future if these sell quickly!)